Pat: 306 - 250 - 7745

Whirling and Ribbons...


We are very excited if you are considering joining for a dance adventure in learning, camaraderie, and fun. Suggestions from frequently asked questions:

  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing for your stretching comfort such as sweats, yoga pants, and T-shirts ; use footwear if you need it. No official dress code.
  • Funky jewellery, hip scarves, or other dance clothing may help motivate and increase the fun; this is personal choice.
  • Yoga mats, towels, or blankets may be helpful for floor stretches.
  • Personal water bottles are a good idea.
  • Street shoes, coats, etc may be left by coat rack at 3rd floor elevator, but bring purses and valuables with you into the Auditorium. Active cell phones disturb people’s concentration, so for mutual respect, please shut off during classes.
  • Lessons are tracked with dance cards; we also keep a group sign-in logbook for your scrutiny at all times.
  • We share this space through trust and generosity of community elders, so again, respect for the folks you see around.